Chandanadi Thailam

Chandanadi Thailam

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Rs. 262.00
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Rs. 262.00
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It helps for nasal instillation (Nasya treatment) - to relieve burning sensation in head, dizziness and nasal bleedeing.

Best for body massage - to relieve liver diseases such as jaundice, herpes, gout and bleeding disease.

It also helps in the treatment of psychosis.


Used as nasal instillation in a dose of 2-8 drops, as directed by ayurvedic doctor.

Dose for internal administration - 2-3ml once or twice the day, before food with warm water or  as directed by ayurvedic doctor.

Also used for massage.

Qty: 200ml


S.No Sanskrit Name Botanical Name Qty/Tab
1 Ketakimula Pandanus odoratissimus 10.000 g
2 Chandana Santalum album 0.033 g
3 Madhuka Glycyrrhiza glabra 0.033 g
4 Asvagandha Withania somnifera 0.033 g
5 Suradruma Cedrus deodara 0.033 g
6 Usira Vetiveria zizanioides 0.033 g
7 Patra Cinnamomum tamala 0.033 g
8 Nisa Curcuma longa 0.033 g
9 Bala Sida cordifolia 0.033 g
10 Hreebera Plectranthus vettiveroides 0.033 g
11 Nagakesara Mesua ferrea 0.033 g
12 Sprikka Schizachyrum exile 0.033 g
13 Manjishta Rubia cordifolia 0.033 g
14 Sariba Hemidesmus indicus 0.033 g
15 Tagara Valeriana jatamansi 0.033 g
16 Sathapushpa Anethum graveolens 0.033 g
17 Harenuka Piper cubeba 0.033 g
18 Sookshmaila Elettaria cardamomum 0.033 g
19 Abda Cyperus rotundus 0.033 g
20 Twak Cinnamomum verum 0.033 g
21 Barbara Rotheca serrata 0.033 g
22 Ksheera Cow's milk 0.033 g
23 Taila Sesamum indicum 10.000 ml
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