Bhirngamalakadi Thailam is primarily used for the treatment of Hair Loss.
When applied to hair :
It gives comfort to those tired from heavy strain or reading.
Gives cooling and clear vison to eyes
Also good for hair growth.
Important in dental ailments.
Gives good sleep.
Hair Fall.
It is used to apply over scalp.
It can be used in place of regular hair oil.
Qty: 200ml
SL NO | Sanskrit Name | Botanical Name | Quantity |
1 | Tailam | Sesamum indicum | 10.000 ml |
2 | Bhringa | Eclipta prostrata | 10.000 g |
3 | Amalaka | Phyllanthus emblica | 10.000 g |
4 | Madhuka | Glycyrrhiza glabra | 0.311 g |
5 | Kshiram | cow's milk | 40.000 ml |