Asanaeladi Thailam

Asanaeladi Thailam

Jayabharatham Ayurveda
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Rs. 250.00
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Rs. 250.00
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It is used in Ayurvedic treatment for headache, ear and eye diseases. It is also useful in skin diseases. More effective to prevent catarrh.


Asanaeladi thailam helps reduce the severity of headaches, especially sinusitis by removing the accumulated Kapha dosha.

Application of Asanaeladi thailam on the scalp is beneficial for diseases affecting the eye and ears with Kapha predominance.

Asanaeladi thailam helps in relieving itching and other conditions affecting the scalp as in cases of psoriasis.

Asanaeladi thailam is helpful in reducing fungal infections affecting the ear and scalp. Asanaeladi thailam works well in pacifying Tridoshas, especially vitiated Kapha

    Qty: 200ml

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