Neelibhringhadi Thailam

Neelibhringhadi Thailam

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Rs. 275.00
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Rs. 275.00
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Nilibringadi Thailam (Neelibhringadi Oil), An Ayurvedic hair oil is an herbal formulation of potent herbs based on Traditional Ayurvedic Science. It is widely used and proven Ayurvedic oil for multiple problems related to hair.

Neelibringadi hair oil is an effective hair oil to promote hair growth, prevent hair fall and treat premature grey hair. It nourishes & moisturizes the hair follicles, prevents scalp infections, itchiness and strengthens the scalp.


  • Promotes hair growth
  • Prevents hair fall and baldness
  • Treats premature greying
  • Improves the quality of hair
  • Treats Split Ends & Baldness
  • Strengthens the Scalp


Oil is for only external application only.

Application over scalp is followed by a gentle massage for over 5 minutes.

It can be applied during night and hair wash can be done in the morning.

It can also be applied in the morning, half an hour before head bath.

For daily basis small quantities can be applied.

In case of its use for very long period of time take advice of a doctor.


Qty: 200ml


SL NO Sanskrit Name Botanical Name Qty
01 Tailam Sesamum indicum 10.000 ml
02 Nili Indigofera tinctoria 10.000ml
03 Bhringaraja Eclipta prostrata 10.000ml
04 Satakratulata Cardiospermum halicacabum 10.000ml
05 Dhatriphala Phyllanthus emblica 10.000ml
06 Yashti Glycyrrhiza glabra 0.208 g
07 Gunja Abrus precatorius 0.208 g
08 Ajakshira Goat’s milk 10.000 ml
09 Mahisikshira She Buffalo’s milk 10.000 ml
10 Dhenukshira Cow’s milk 10.000 ml
11 Nalikerakshira Cocos  nucifera 10.000 ml
12 Anjana Antimony 0.208 g
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